The Yorkshire Gospel Partnership is a group of gospel churches in Yorkshire working together to promote the good news of Jesus Christ.
The Yorkshire Gospel Partnership is a group of gospel churches in Yorkshire working together to promote the good news of Jesus Christ.
Our aims are:
To multiply gospel churches in Yorkshire
To provide gospel training in Yorkshire
To increase gospel co-operation in Yorkshire
Our great desire is to see God glorified in Yorkshire through the strengthening, growing and multiplying of local Bible-centred churches proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Multiplying gospel churches…
Our desire is to see healthy and growing gospel churches in every community in Yorkshire. With over 5 million people in our region, we need many more churches started or revitalised to take the good news of the gospel to them.
As a Partnership we recognise that churches, not organisations, plant churches. However, we aim to provide a network of collaboration and support to encourage and stimulate churches to plant and revitalise, in order to multiply Bible-centred churches in Yorkshire.
Providing gospel training…
Training is at the heart of our activities as a partnership. Bible Training Yorkshire (BTY) is our weekly ministry training course. In addition to BTY, we run conferences and training days throughout the year, some tailored specifically for church leaders and workers, whilst others are designed for everyone.
Increasing gospel cooperation…
The spiritual needs in Yorkshire are enormous, therefore we want to see gospel churches in Yorkshire strengthened through cooperation and mutual support. The YGP provides prayer updates, promotes local ministers’ groups and offers a forum to share wisdom and training for church planting & revitalisation, church leadership & evangelism.